Chelsea Treboniak
Chelsea Treboniak owns Critical Ops, a firm specializing in smart, secure business modernization (website: Her specialty is mergers, standard operating procedures, and process improvements.
Chelsea is a National Association of Federally-Insured Credit Unions Certified Risk Manager (NCRM), Credit Union Enterprise Risk Management Expert (CUERME), and Certified Credit Union Supervisory Committee Member (CCUSC). She is a long-term Supervisory Committee Member for SAFE Federal Credit Union in Sumter.
Chelsea is also a West Point graduate and United States Army Veteran. She is passionate about critical infrastructure protection. Chelsea channels this passion through advocacy, research, and events. Advocacy includes serving on the Board of Directors for Northern Ohio InfraGard Members Alliance and BlockAdvocates. Her research includes numerous endeavors, from publications on software sourcing to strategic deployment strategies for healthcare coalitions and the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine: Transportation Research Board. Events include Critical Ops’ annual critical infrastructure modernization forum, regional workshops, and national consortiums.