Category Descriptions (subject to change)
* Results Required
** Do you have an entry from categories 1-32 that takes a great idea, executes the idea to near perfection and produces great results? If yes, you may also want to submit the entry in categories 33 through 37.
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Entries must be completed by January 15, 2025. Submit by December 18, 2024, and save on entry fees! Use your America’s Credit Unions login credentials to complete the application. For further assistance, contact
1. Annual Reports
Annual, semi-annual, or quarterly reports. Applications must include digital files and may include a video representation of the report.
2. Audience Specific Marketing (results required)
A campaign/program targeted to a segmented group such as teachers, doctors, or one of the credit union personas/target demographics. Entry will be judged on how well credit union benefits were matched with the group’s needs. Entry should show activities related to projects or programs. Photographs, newspaper, social media posts, other media coverage and specialty items may be included. Include a sample of each project/program element.
3. Brand Awareness
Marketing efforts to increase brand awareness or recognition to your current and/or potential members. It can be either associated with a particular product or service, or the overall credit union brand. All forms of media are acceptable. NOTE: Re-branding or new corporate identities should be entered in category #26 (Re-Brand / New Corporate Identity).
4. Business Development Efforts (results required)
Community-based credit unions or SEG-based credit unions who conduct business development efforts offering financial services as an employee benefit for their partner companies. Also includes any credit union focus on growing specific products and services though building external relationships. Share your efforts specifically intended to increase product penetration, recruit new partner companies, or grow products or services through business development efforts at partnering companies. Entry can be individual elements, business services, business to business offers, or coordinated business development campaigns, including digital or print pieces, or employee engagement activities/events.
5. Community Partnerships & Relations, Endorsements, or NIL Efforts
Includes promotion and marketing tie-ins with other organizations, influencers, personalities and/or sport figures. NIL refers to the Name, Image, and Likeness policy instituted by the NCAA to compensate student athletes in marketing campaigns.
6. Complete Campaign (results required)
Positioned to recognize comprehensive campaigns, this category has a stipulation according to asset size. For CUs with assets under $500 million – campaign submissions require a minimum of two elements supporting one effort. For CUs with assets over $500 million – campaign submissions require a minimum of three elements supporting one effort. Types of media include the following, but are not limited to: direct mail, point-of-sale, print ads, digital marketing, social media, broadcast, and newsletters. Judges will consider the number of media used in each campaign. If submitting radio, television, or audio-visuals, upload a copy of each script.
7. Content Marketing
Content that includes but is not limited to podcasts, blogs, vlogs, buying guides or product information. For podcasts, include screenshots of your website and/or mobile streaming service listings that show how you are promoting the content and where consumers can locate the content. Include sample files of audio or video content. Social media efforts should be entered under category #28 - Social Media.
8. Credit, Debit and ATM Card Designs
Card designs (physical and/or digital) that have been created exclusively for your credit union during the year. Include samples of each design in a PDF or JPEG files.
9. Cutting Edge
Which marketing idea was innovative and broke through the clutter, or defined your credit union in a whole new way? Entries in this category go outside the norm, such as incorporation of new technologies, guerilla marketing efforts, or anything that demonstrates forward thinking. Explain how your effort generated impactful results, have opened new doors, or created internal efficiencies.
10. Diamond in the Rough (results required)
Awarded to the credit union that displays exemplary creativity with a campaign budget of $2,500 or less. Can be self-generated or agency-created. Include images, video, or audio that support your entry. Examples: an event, promotional giveaway, low-cost guerilla marketing such as digital, social media, or in-person efforts. Include results in a PDF file in addition to your application.
11. Digital Advertising (results required)
Digital advertising refers to marketing that is digitally displayed. Web-based marketing, viral marketing, mobile advertising, online interactive, landing pages or microsites are examples for this category. Digital advertising videos should be included in category #29 - Video Commercial – Single or Series. Radio or streaming audio advertising should be included in category #26 – Radio/Streaming Ads – Single or Series.
12. Direct Mail – Single or Series (results required)
A single mail piece or series of mail pieces supporting one effort, mailed to members or potential members. Only submit the results that are directly related to the mail piece.
13. Email – Single or Series
Email communication, either single or in a series such as a nurturing workflow, that either added success to an existing campaign or was introduced by itself. Subject can be promotional of credit union products / services or informational. Subject line and KPIs such as delivery rate, open rate, click-through rate, bounce rate, and unsubscribe rates will be judged in addition to the ROI.
14. Financial Education
A program that provides financial literacy through your products, services, and network; strategic partnerships and educational programs. Share the steps you have taken to educate members or potential members on how to effectively manage their personal finances and make sound financial choices.
15. Foreign Language or Multilingual Campaign (results required)
Entries require at least three elements which may include digital, print, website, video (commercial or non-commercial), social media, and public relations, etc. targeted to a non-English speaking audience. The campaign could be created organically or with the intention of a multilingual campaign, not simply using a translation platform. The application should include a short description of the campaign and to whom the message is targeted. Submitted work may include video, a PDF, or JPEG files. Note: Include English version of materials or translation of script and headlines/text.
16. Internal Marketing Recognition/Incentive Campaign
A program that supplements external marketing efforts by recognizing and/or incenting credit union staff over an extended campaign period. This may include special incentives, employee engagement programs, or other drivers of internal credit union focus. Single events will be excluded. Supplemental materials (employee newsletters, photographs, and other components) are encouraged.
17. Logos
A new logo that has been created exclusively for your credit union, product, promotion, or effort. Include a variety of samples showing and explaining the rationale for a new logo as well as different applications of the logo, usage restrictions, and/or branding guidelines. Include an example of a previous logo, if applicable.
18. Member or Trade Communications
Includes newsletters, magazines and periodic publications whose circulation/distribution is to the membership, general public, or an unspecified target audience. Trade publications are advertising vehicles whose primary circulation/distribution is aimed at the specific credit union industry target audience. Newsletters are publications (digital or print) which communicate directly with members. Frequency of publications can be anywhere between weekly to annually. Include 2-5 unique issues of the publication you are entering.
19. Membership Growth Marketing
Printed, digital, and audio/video – including a portfolio of creative – intended to introduce new or potential members to the credit union and its services. Examples include as buck slips, packets, brochures, booklets, retail or venue signage, email promotions and email series (such as drip marketing).
20. Multifaceted (Miscellaneous)
Unique marketing and public relations campaigns, business development materials, print ads, or digital workflows which might not be covered in another category, which reflects a creative approach to marketing, sponsorships, or other distinctive materials.
21. One-Time Event
Activities or materials related to and leading up to a one-time event (typically an event that is held within a narrow timeframe, such as 1-2 days or one week), such as community volunteerism or give-back programs, new branch opening or renovation of current branch, sponsorship and scholarship programs, special anniversary/celebration, or any other impactful event. This includes public relations activities, anniversaries, or other special credit union events. Activities directed toward a field of membership group are acceptable. Photographs, newspaper ads, social media posts, other media coverage and specialty items may be included. If this is an annual event that happens once per year, enter it into #22 - Ongoing Event.
22. Ongoing Event
Activities or materials related to an annual or regularly scheduled ongoing event over the course of the calendar year, such as community volunteerism or give-back programs, and sponsorship and scholarship programs. This includes public relations activities, anniversary campaigns, holiday-themed or other special credit union events. Activities directed toward a field of membership group are acceptable. Photographs, newspaper ads, other media coverage and specialty items may be included.
23. Out of Home
This category includes any type of outdoor media, including digital billboards. This can include, but is not limited to billboards, digital signage (such as at sporting events), transit vehicle ads, car wraps, ATM wraps, banners and other signage.
24. Point of Sale Display and Retail Merchandising
Overall strategy designed to enhance member awareness of credit union services including, but not limited to tent cards, lobby posters, in-branch digital displays, trade show booths or SEG (select employer groups) displays. This should encompass the sales environment including kiosks, ATMs, and self-service displays. Entry may relate to a single event, part of a campaign or be educational in nature.
25. Public Relations Campaign
This category recognizes the best one-time or ongoing PR/communications campaign or crisis management communications by an in-house PR team, a PR agency, or a combination of both, that effectively engaged others to raise awareness about a credit union. Media platforms may include broadcast news coverage, earned media article examples (digital and/or print), social media, website, email communication, and other means of distribution. Entrants should also show how earned media was measured and any results available.
26. Radio/Streaming Ads – Single or Series (results required)
Entry may be either a single or series of paid spot(s) within broadcast, digital radio, and podcasts. Only include the results that are directly related to the advertising. Podcast content should be entered in category #7 – Content Marketing.
27. Re-Brand/New Corporate Identity
A redesign/makeover of brand/corporate identification may include tag lines and/or jingles, or the fundamental idea and core concept behind having an “image.” Send both old and new components. Consider these questions: What is the brand? The perceived emotional corporate image as a whole? What is the corporate identity? What are the visual aspects that form part of the overall brand?
29. Video Commercial – Single or Series (results required)
Entry may be a single video or series of associated videos, carried on paid time, including broadcast, television, internet pre-roll or other digital or streaming advertising. Only include results that are directly related to the piece or series of videos entered. Examples of results include an increase in new accounts, higher revenue, etc. Upload the MP4 file or clearly specify the YouTube/Vimeo link. If you choose to list a YouTube or Vimeo link, make sure that the video is published as either Unlisted or Public so the judges can view it. Upload scripts and storyboards, if available.
30. Video Non-Commercial – Single
Entry may be a single video produced by or for the credit union. Examples: highlight staff or member stories, “how-to” instructional content, financial education, brand awareness, or general/historical credit union information (e.g., YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook). If entering a series of videos in category #31 – Video Non-Commercial – Series, you may enter one of those videos in this category. Upload the MP4 file or clearly specify the YouTube/Vimeo link. If you choose to list a YouTube or Vimeo link, make sure that the video is published as either Unlisted or Public so the judges can view it. Upload scripts and storyboards, if available.
31. Video Non-Commercial – Series
Entry may be a series of videos produced by or for the credit union. Examples: highlight staff or member stories, “how-to” instructional content, financial education, brand awareness, or general/historical credit union information (e.g., YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook). Upload MP4 file or YouTube/Vimeo link. If you choose to list a YouTube or Vimeo link, make sure that the video is published as either Unlisted or Public so the judges can view it. Upload scripts and storyboards, if available.
32. Website
Entry may be any use of your credit union’s website, either internet or intranet. Each entry should relate to a specific promotion focusing on growth or retention. If the entry is a complete website redesign, you must include screen shots of the former website for comparison purposes (PDF or JPEG). Provide screen shots of mobile site or responsive design if applicable. Provide URL as a PDF. Microsites should be entered in category #11 – Digital Advertising.
Special Recognition – One Winner Selected in Each Category
Did you submit an entry in another category that is truly exceptional and merits special recognition? If yes, you may consider increasing your chances of earning a Diamond Award by submitting the entry in categories 33 through 37.
33. Best Use of Humor
The entry will demonstrate the effective use of humor in credit union marketing or business development. Include any metrics that demonstrate the success of the program. Only one credit union will receive this award.
34. Carat – For the Greatest Impact
Awarded to the entry that demonstrates the greatest impact on an audience: membership, community or other identified target. Impact may be defined by program success, financial gain, newsworthiness, or other proven results. Include any metrics that demonstrate the success of the program. Only one credit union will receive this award.
35. Clarity – For the Most Sentimental
Considered the tear-jerker of the program, this is awarded to an entry that best draws an emotional response, and the use of tissues, from its audience. Include any metrics that demonstrate the success of the program. Only one credit union will receive this award.
36. Color – For Brilliant Use of Art
Awarded for brilliant use of color, design, and other artistic elements, each entry should illustrate a thought-provoking approach to design and execution. Include any metrics that demonstrate the success of the program. Only one credit union will receive this award.
37. Cut – For the Most Edgy
Any form of advertisement, marketing collateral or event that turns heads, pushes the envelope, or steps outside of the box to get noticed. Only one credit union will receive this award.
28. Social Media (results required)
The use of any social media platform (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Threads, etc.), blog, forum, group site, the internet, or microsite that engages members to communicate about your credit union and/or the credit union movement. Must include the average number of comments received, shares, and time spent on site and use of links. Include samples (URL, Google analytics, web analytics, on-site analytics, etc.).
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