In addition to the overall benefits of Council membership, CEO Council members also enjoy the following benefits.
- CEO Council Community – a space to engage exclusively with other credit union CEOs on timely topics like governance, executive searches and return to work
- Councils Mentor Match
- Executive Committee
- Member Directory
- Annual Council Conference
- Virtual roundtables on hot topics like the economy and new administration, COVID issues and excess liquidity
- Live Council Member Chats
Tools, Resources and Information
- Monthly Councils Connection e-newsletter
- Access to the Cross Council White Paper Library
- Councils Community File Library - a shared library with files such as CEO performance evaluations, board governance policies and board meeting agendas.
- 25% off the Annual Council Conference (non-member rate)
- 10% off most of America's Credit Unions, schools, conferences, e-schools, and webinars
- 10% off most America's Credit Unions products and services