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Benefits of membership

CEO Council

Leaders helping leaders the credit union way

Your credit union’s success stems directly from the strength and vision of its leadership. Innovative solutions, commitment to cooperative principles and motivational skills are at the heart of what drives your credit union forward. 

As your organization’s CEO, you also carry the responsibility of managing your executive team, appeasing your board, responding to the ever-changing economy and navigating evolving technology.

To connect with other credit union CEOs facing similar challenges and opportunities, join the CEO Council. This exclusive organization is designed for the open and cooperative exchange of ideas between credit union CEOs to help them effectively lead their organization, improve their credit union’s performance and nurture professional relationships that will shape and strengthen the credit union movement.

Experienced, connected and real-world focused, we’re the only professional society run by credit union CEOs, for CEOs.

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Being a member of the CEO council is an exclusive and safe place for CEOs to exchange ideas about the opportunities and challenges of being a CEO

Rudy Pereira

President & CEO, Premier America Credit Union // Chatsworth, CA

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Connect with credit union CEOs who face similar challenges like inspiring and effective leadership, executing successful strategies and developing a winning executive team. CEO Council helps you be the very best CEO you can be, prioritizes topics defined by credit union CEOs just like you and offers: 

In addition to the overall benefits of Council membership, CEO Council members also enjoy the following benefits.



Tools, Resources and Information


To qualify for Council membership, an individual must hold the CEO position, be appointed as the interim CEO, or be a named CEO successor with a America's Credit Unions-affiliated natural person credit union. An individual must remain in good standing with all membership dues to continue to qualify for membership. Exceptions may be made to the qualification, subject to Council management sole discretion.

To join online, login to your existing America's Credit Unions account. Don’t know your login or don’t have an account? Try the “forgot password” option first, and if that doesn’t work, please contact the America's Credit Unions Member Experience team at 800-356-9655, ext. 0 or