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Benefits of membership

Compliance & Risk Council

Risk and oversight with a credit union lens

Keeping up with changing regulations and shifting priorities leaves you worried that you’ll be reactive instead of proactive. You need the support of a professional organization that understands the importance of building an enterprise-wide compliance and risk culture.​

Meet the Compliance & Risk Council

Compliance and risk executives involved in setting their credit union’s strategies come together to create a member-led professional organization.

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Compliance & Risk Council powers up my credit union career by quickly connecting me with the experience and knowledge of my peers. One of the first lessons I learned after joining the America's Credit Union community family was that I’m never the only risk manager who is facing a particular question or issue. There are other credit union professionals navigating the same decisions that I am, and knowing those perspectives and tolerances helps me to make more informed choices—even if those choices are different.

Angelique Coats

CUCE, BSACS, VP of Risk Management, Carter Credit Union // Councils member since 2020

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Connect with other compliance and risk execs who share your concerns like increasing regulatory burdens and staying up to date on laws. Compliance & Risk Council helps you be the very best you can be, prioritizes topics defined by credit union compliance and risk execs and offers:

In addition to the overall benefits of Council membership, Compliance & Risk Council members also enjoy the following benefits.



Tools, Resources and Information


To qualify for America's Credit Union membership, an individual must hold a staff position with compliance or risk-related responsibilities at an America's Credit Unions-affiliated natural person credit union, credit union league, or organization affiliated with WOCCU. To continue to qualify for membership, an individual must remain in good standing with all membership dues. Exceptions may be made to the qualification, subject to Council management's sole discretion.

To join online, login to your existing America's Credit Unions account. Don’t know your login or don’t have an account? Try the “forgot password” option first, and if that doesn’t work, please contact America's Credit Unions Member Experience team at 800-356-9655, ext. 0 or